
the August Newsletter



Firstly, thanks for taking this email, I know that there is a great deal of what we could call useless information being mailed around the web every day – so, we’re really appreciative of all and everyone who reads this, we really work hard on bringing you great beers and contacting you to let you all know what’s happening! Given that even you can read this on Twitter, as a web page it’s really become such an exciting way of getting information to all and every beer lover out there. Driven by the growth of our email list we are currently rebuilding the system, and if you’ve recieved this email by mistake having previously unsubscribed we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience but… please feel free to do so again… otherwise, we’d love you to give us a whirl again!

So, what have we been drinking in house? I have been mainly drinking gueuze.  It’s been a rare occasion that even a pils has passed my lips.   Oh, I have had a few bottles of Estaminet Pils, from Palm breweries in Belgium; very nice too!    The long hot summer has been something of a bonus after last year and my god has it been hot down here in Kent on occasion.  I have really had to let rip with the crisp cool sour edged Cantillon – backed up with excellent Girardin when I have had a chance.   As you might have noticed on previous editions of this, my spelling and gramma hasn’t been up to much?  See, it’s one of the few times that I can actually sit, with laptop and blether on a wee bit and it’s frequently lubricated with the odd, nay three, bottles of something. So, I confess… I am sorry!  If you have the stomach for it, you can always see what we’re up to, what’s happening or what travels we get up to by reading the blog – here –   It’s not all beer geekery, and you can say hi on our Facebook and even follow or say hi on Twitter!

Really, all we want to do is open up a whole new world of experiences and give you a more informed choice about what is available to buy from great breweries around the world. We just want you to be able to enjoy beer!

We’ve been inundated with lovely emails, we loved the corespondance, people went mad for the incredible new beers from Mikkeller, Struise and the remainder of the Alesmith… the gueuze was ever so popular, lots of love for Cantillon.  I am sure that there’ll be more on that front soon.

Talking of Twitter, after the success of the “we need a list of the new beers in….” I have added it to the main newsletter, I hope this works for you all!   See you do make a difference!

As always, please feel free to contact me, on or @beermerchants on Twitter