Meeting: Dr. Peter Darby

Living in Kent hops are very much part of the local character – Goldings; East Kent, Canterbury, and others are home here.  Many other varieties come from nearby Wye, at the hop research centre – like Challenger.    People like Prof. Salmon have developed many of the varieties that we as beer lovers have benefitted from, to the modern day, with Dr. Peter Darby – one of the worlds most aclaimed hop breeders.

Peter, and David Holmes.  Two of my favourite and amazingly knowledgeable people in beer!

Peter, and David Holmes. Two of my favourite and amazingly knowledgeable people in beer!

I am meeting with him next week, so please use the comment form, email me, or use @beermerchants to send me questions you’d like answered…

4 thoughts on “Meeting: Dr. Peter Darby

  1. question:

    Hops have very pungent aroma – sometimes reminicant of cannabis (apparently!?)

    Are the plants related at all? if not, what plants are hops related to?


  2. From Justin Hawke of MoorBeer

    As a brewer I’m interested in:

    consistent supply and fewer price fluctuations (clearly that is the growers’ domain and weather dependant, but we can’t have a repeat of last year)
    new varieties with intense flavour and aroma profiles similar to those found in American / New Zealand hops
    regular availability of Bramling Cross and Challenger from the UK
    reduced seed counts

  3. As Justin said, I’d be interested to know about new UK varital hops that match a ‘New World’ profile; what are the challenges to develop and produce them, is there domestic demand for them, should we be concentrating instead on producing resiliant and robust UK hops rather than developing new varieties?

  4. As a brewer, I’m wondering why my UK hops have so many seeds compared to the German hops that I use. Maybe we can get out of work London bankers down for ‘male hunt’ holidays? Seriously, these seeds are adding weight…should I be compensating when trying to hit IBU targets, or just Relax, Don’t Worry…

    The other brewers also mention the development of UK hops with more of a new world feel to them, rather than the stuffy old Mr. Fuggle and Mr. Golding…wouldn’t a development like this be the well needed shot in the arm that the UK hop growers need? Is there anything cool in the works?

    I love to make beer with low food miles to it..brewers are using hops from half way around the world…crazy…I think that answers the demand question…

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